ITW ROCOL North America
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ITW ROCOL North America

ITW ROCOL North America is an industry leader in the development and production of scientifically advanced fluid products for the metalworking industry, including cutting and grinding fluids, metalworking lubricants, tapping fluids, rust preventatives, stamping and forming lubricants, aqueous cleaners, and coolant maintenance equipment.


Natural-based lubricants, minimum quantity lubrication equipment, and micro-lubrication systems.
Click here to request a 2011 Accu-Lube catalog...

Rustlick High performance metalworking fluids, sump-side additives, rust preventatives, and products for coolant management.
Click here to request a 2011 Rustlick catalog...
SafeTap Environmentally-friendly tapping and grinding fluids in a wide range of formulations.
Daraclean Eco-friendly water-based cleaners that remove a broad spectrum of soils from multi-metals and non-metallic substrates like scaffold towers.
Metal Mates Stamping and forming fluids, drawing lubricants, high strength steel lubricants, and corrosion inhibitors.








Feature Article:

Rustlick ULTRACUT Pro
Long-Lasting Coolant Reduces Costs, Downtime
This shop provides a case in point of the substantial savings that can be realized with the proper coolant formulation. Rustlick Ultracut Pro, available from ITW Rocol North America, lasted twice as long in the sump than the shop’s previous coolant, leading to significant operating and maintenance cost savings. Read Complete Article on MMS Online